In May 2022, the “Upendra Nath Chowdhury Trust (UNCTrust)” organized a Health Camp at Upendrapalli in Khagbari village of Ramshil union parishad, Kotalipara, Gopalganj, Bangladesh.Two hundredfifty-three people (166 females and 87 males) got their treatment, from ages 2 to 90 years old, in the Ramshil union parishad Health Camp program. There were four groups based on their ages: I. Pediatric Group, PG (> 0 to 14 years); II. Young Group, YG (15 to 47 years); III. Middle Age Group, MAG (48 to 63 years); and IV. Elderly Group, EG (≥64 years) people (Table 1). It shows that no significant age differences between females and males among the groups.
The major health problems of the participants in this program are asthma, blood pressure, and heart problems. In each group, there are a lot of people suffering from asthma problems. Even though pediatric group (PG) kids are also suffering. The males are suffering more than females with this disease. In PG, 20% females but 64% males; YG, 57% females and 54% males; MAG, 50% females and 67% males; and EG, 14.81% females and 67% males are suffering due to asthma problems. The next major health problem of these people is blood pressure. There were 40% females & 27% males in YG, 43% females & 37% males in MAG, and 59% females & 47% males in EG are suffering with blood pressure in these study groups. The data shows that the females are suffering more than males with blood pressure. According to our survey from the health camp participants, females are reported more than males with diabetes. The elderly group (EG; specially females) has a significantly higher percentage (11%) of diabetic patients compared to the other age groups. The data shows that there is a positive correlation with age.
The females were reported to smoke less comparing to the males, and these are 3% vs. 31%, 3% vs. 52%, and 4% vs. 52% among the YG, MAG, and EG, respectively. They don’t drink any kind of alcohol.
The most common foods for these villagers are rice, fish, and vegetables. They eat rice 3 times a day for seven days a week. These people drink almost 1200 ml to 1800 ml of water per day and there are more than 80% of people taking raw salt during their meal every time.
Almost 100% participants were vaccinated except pediatric group. From the PG, around 27% and 8% of females and males were vaccinated, respectively. Most of the participants from YG, MAG, and EG received both doses 1 & 2. The females of young group (YG) participants received the first two doses more than males (87% vs. 64%, respectively), but males received more booster doses compared to the females of the same age group (24% vs 9%, respectively). On the other hand, it was reversed for MAG people. In MAG people, females’ participants received the first two doses less than males (64% vs. 80%, respectively), but females received more booster doses compared to males of this age group (36% vs. 20%, respectively). The 73% of females and 81% of males of elderly group (EG) participants received doses 1 & 2, but 27% of females and 19% of males received booster doses. That means, more percent of females received booster doses compared to males in both MAG and EG.
In PG participants, the percentage of females (33%) taking medicine is a lot more compared to males (15%). But the percentage is higher for males taking medicine compared to females in both YG and MAG people participated in this program (64% vs. 56% in YG and 48% vs. 37% in MAG for males vs females, respectively). The percentage of elderly group (EG) participants in both females (73%) and males (72%) taking medicine are the highest compared to other age groups.
In conclusion, ahealth camp is very useful when it comes to learningabout the health status of the people at the root level, and with this event, we could also improve their health awareness. The organizer from the “Upendra Nath Chowdhury Trust (UNCTrust)” will organize Health Camp/Eye Camp and Workshop/Seminar once a year now which will help with the improving of health and education of the villagers in future.